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Problems with Apple iPad CDMA

In the last month, Apple released the second generation of the iPad, and for the first time the company had bitten the apple logo provides a tablet computer that supports the CDMA network, no longer limited to access 3G GSM and Wi-Fi.

However, from some reports that came in, seemingly iPad CDMA version connection problems. The report comes as some users iPad 2 sent a complaint to Verizon Wireless, the largest CDMA operator in the United States with 94.1 million subscribers

Most of the complaints are about the wireless connection iPad 2. Customer admitted it is difficult to connect with the CDMA network. They need to reboot the tablet to be connected with an Internet connection.

According to the comments of Apple users who monitored VIVAnews.com through the Apple Support Discussion, they are difficult to connect with CDMA 3G connections after they use Wi-Fi access. To overcome the bug is, customers are forced to restart their own iPad.

This issue is not just a mere topic of discussion at the Apple website. According to the report which quoted VIVAnews.com from Cellular News, Monday, April 11, 2011, officers who worked at Apple Customer Service had to be willing to listen to a large number of customer complaints over the phone Apple. They are also directed to the Genius Bar, but to no avail.

Apparently, this case becomes a big issue that urged Apple to replace the device iPad 2 version of CDMA in the market with the new. Therefore, the same problems arise in a short time, less than one month since the launch.

Some customers did not even hesitate to say will be switch back to AT & T after Apple representatives could not be responsible for issues that occurred in the Verizon network. (art)

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