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April 2014 the deadline for Microsoft to support XP

Looks like you have to start thinking about upgrading Windows XP to Windows 7 or maybe move to another OS. Because Microsoft is committed to will no longer provide support for XP in the next 1,000 days.
"With 1,000 days left in the future, you should start thinking of retiring Windows XP?" Stephan Rose said, Community Manager for Microsoft Windows on Windows blog.

XP has become one of the most successful products ever launched by Microsoft. Even compared to his successor - Vista - XP is much more popular and durable in use.

But unfortunately, the company founded Bill Gates has decided to further push Windows 7, in line waiting to plan Windows 8 comes in 2012. as a result, the old version like xp os must marginalized.

The plan, the April 2014 deadline to support Microsoft XP. After that date, the manufacturer of the software giant would no longer issue security patch (security patches) and other updates for XP.

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