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Mobile Digital TV (MDTV) From LG

Not only 3D TV for family rooms, LG Electronics also has a mobile TV or called the Mobile Digital TV (MDTV) that delivers 3D in the palm of your hand. Of course, because of its small size, users can easily hold and take anywhere

In addition to presenting 3D impressions, MDTV also allows users to stay connected with friends, family and friends through social networks like Twitter or Facebook.

"All are in a device that fits in the palm of your hand," the statement Skott Ahn, President and Chief Technology Officer of LG Electronics.

Wednesday (4/12/2011), the gadget is still in prototype stage has a 7 inch screen. LG will introduce it this week in the demo of the National Association of Broadcasters 2011 Show held in Las Vegas.

This device is claimed will become the first TV MD who has the ability to display 3D images are broadcast over ATSC mobile DTV standard.

"Mobile DTV Standard ATSC offers tremendous flexibility to the broadcaster, who addressed the demands of consumers and advertisers," said Ahn

Another plus, no need special glasses to watch 3D on this MDTV. It is said Ahn, users can view 3D images on the device with the naked eye.

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