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BlackBerry Really Late Playbook Because Apple?

BlackBerry tablet computers Playbook delayed the launch until so long. Several factors thought to be the cause. One of them associated with Apple.
As reported in the media in Taiwan DigiTimes, Apple apparently ordered so many touch screen panel for producing iPad 2. Well, this bit causes a lot of that component shortages.

Research in Motion (RIM) as the producer Playbook any difficulty getting an adequate supply to produce Playbook. According to DigiTimes sources, delays in marketing Playbook beside still need diujicobanya software, is due to the lack of touch screen panel ordered Apple's trigger.

Thursday (07/06/2011), RIM initially plans to market the Playbook in the first quarter of 2011. But there lived plan to plan, launch delayed Playbook even are then preceded the competitors weighed
Formerly also had no reports RIM is still improving battery life is reportedly pretty lousy Playbook compared competitors. It's also touted to be blamed delays in the release of Playbook.
Latest news, BlackBerry tablet official Playbook present on 19 April, with the cheapest price no more than $ 500. Indonesia is expected to be present Playbook in May.

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