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Toshiba Notebook Set Free 3D Glasses

Luckily, now there is technology that could free users from the eyeglasses when enjoying a dish of these vivid image
This is what is being developed Toshiba. Japan-based company was reportedly preparing a notebook that you can enjoy 3D without special glasses
true glasses-free 3D tools already begun to grow recently. Nintendo game console vendors were already teasing the market with its new product, Nintendo 3DS.
There was also a row of other products such as digital photo frame 3D, 3D preview of the camera display, and will also be followed with smartphones and tablet PCs.

Toshiba already has its own true 3D notebook and tried his luck in the market with these products. Unfortunately, good fortune is less shade Toshiba at the time, with the end result is less successful
.But it seems with the preparation of 3D notebook without glasses that staying digadang will be introduced in 2011, the Toshiba still has not broken the spirit to conquer the market

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